Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here it is...

So here it is.  My first entry on my first blog.  Oops.  Actually, make that my second blog.  I started a blog with a similar title a few weeks ago, but it never really resonated with me.  I never even made an entry on it.  It was called, "My Simple, Domestic Life."  Brilliant, huh?!  What a lie!  Seriously, who has a simple, domestic life?  No one that I know. 

I know people who claim that their lives are simple.  I know people who wish their lives were simple.  I know people who wish they were more domestic.  But when you really stop and think about it, does anyone really have a simple, and domestic life?   Most people that I know claim that they want a more simple and domestic life, but then they spread themselves a mile wide and an inch deep in the effort of achieving it.

Ok.  Modest living I get.  However, I think only a few of us truly live modestly.  (Myself not included)  But simple.  Nope.  Not a chance.  I'm a stay at home mom.  I don't have a fancy corporate job.  I'm not trying to balance the national budget.  The weight of the world is not resting on my shoulders.  Yet in the last 7 days I have taken my kids to 2 dr. appointments and 2 urgent care runs.  Paramedics to our house.  Meals to make.  Errands to run.  Bills to pay.  House to clean.  (constant work in progress)  Laundry to do.  (another never ending project)  Go to church.  Go to the gym.  Get the kids off to school.  Get the kids off of the bus.  Swim lessons.  Basketball practices.  The list goes on and on and on...

So all of that to say, my blog will not be about how "perfect" my life is.  (As if you would care anyways??)  It is not and will not be a "how to" manual on achieving the simple, domestic life.  Instead it will be about me living transparently before you and sharing with you what is on my very simple mind.  I have a lot of interests and hobbies.  I'm excited to share them with you and I hope you are excited to take a peek into "My Not So Simple, Domestic Life."  


Kelli said...

I think you're a great writer! Great opening...I look forward to reading more. And don't forget about golf lessons (or is it too cold?).

My Not So Simple, Domestic Life said...

Aww! Thanks Kelli! You are such a great encourager. It is too cold for golf lessons. But believe me, I plan to write all about our golfing adventures come Spring.
And yay for you being the first (and only) person to comment on my blog!! You really know how to make a girl feel swell!!

Stacey said...

Found your blog through Kelli, and really enjoy it so far!

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